Fans Give Sweet Tooth A New Home

During E3 this past June, David Jaffe, Co-founder of Eat, Sleep, Play, announced that his studio was working on a  Twisted Metal game for the PS3. Fans were ecstatic with the new because his project had been kept secret for so long. Now that the game is out in the open Jaffe also voiced that he would love to see Sweet Tooth, TM’s most iconic character, star in a film. “I want us to make an honest to goodness, low-budget slasher movie and sell it on PSN exclusive,” was what he posted on his Twitter to those who follow him. Jaffe was also the game director for God of War and the original Twisted metal games to grace the PS1 and PS2.

Fans of the series have taken it upon themselves to create an amazing trailer for the much wanted movie. “Home Sweet Home” is one of the best fan made video game trailers to grace the web so far.

Here are the credits of the awesome trailer according to the Youtube details:

Writer & Director: Ben Moody
Director of Photography: Steve Birnbaum
Producers: Rachel Campbell & Lisa Marie Kull
Special Make-Up Effects: Andrew De Leon
Grip: Shawn Marchese
Production Designer: Lisa Marchese
PA: David Meyers


Chris King as Needles “Sweet Tooth” Kane
Danielle Evon Ploeger
Carl Guthrie
Robert Perreault
Jon McMahan
Kurtis Wheeler
Ashley Spillers
Nathan O’Hara
Audrey Johnson
Shayla Bagir
Ciara Flynn
Patrick Knisely
Kelly Campbell

Based on characters created by David Jaffe & Scott Campbell

Source: Joystiq

Author: Drew

Long time gamer. I enjoy most genres but my favorite will always be Hack N Slash, God of War being the series in favor. I run, am a film student, and am also somewhat of a writer. I typically write reviews, cover press events, and post articles here on Stuff We Like. Send me a message and I'll respond as soon as I can.

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