Here’s how I describe Tom Clancy’s EndWar: it’s a difficult game to play, at least at first. EndWar is a real time strategy game that puts you in control of groups of units via the headset microphone or the standard controller.
EndWar is probably one of the best RTS games that I’ve played on the Xbox 360. Once you understand the controls, you’re in for a unique experience. There are two views that the game can take place: the unit’s perspective or the aerial radar map. I found myself playing from the radar map a lot more frequently due to its ease of use. Switching between these two views is brisk.
The presentation is pretty good too. It is hard to read some text on non-HDTVs. Also the units and environments look similar to one another, they still look good. The premise of the story is a typical Tom Clancy, in the near-future we will be at war with someone because of something. The story is logical and effective. Hopefully it won’t become a reality.
Players don’t get to enjoy constructing buildings or managing limited resources. It is all about sending units into battle. If your units die, you simply send in replacements. So overall there is limited depth to this RTS game.
Tom Clancy’s EndWar is a solid title that can be enjoyed by many, after players figure out the control scheme.