Similar to Indiana Jones, I hate snakes. Being out in the canyon area I definitely encounter a lot of them, but today was the worst yet.
While I was eating eggs and rice, my mom went outside to throw out some garabage. Soon after I hear her scream and I go open the side door to the garage. A snake comes into the house. There’s a reason why humans built homes – to separate themselves from nature. When nature enters your home you have to defend it.
The snake went over by our staircase, which is thankfully by the front entrance. I brushed it out and then stupid enough it went back into the garage.
I grabbed the pool cleaning pool and tried to smash the snake’s head in the wall. I felt like that kid in 300 who fights a wolf. Ok snakes aren’t wolves, but you get the point.
It was too quick for my thrust. It scurried outside and wond up entering into the pond. It was there that the snake evaded me.
One day I will get this snake back… one day…