Fix My 360

Xbox 360 Ring of Fire

Thanks Microsoft for rushing out a great product! Regretfully over 30% of Xbox 360s are defective and sadly mine is one of them. I’ve had the machine for well over a year and I now receive the “RING OF FIRE!” Thankfully Microsoft did increase their Xbox 360 warranty to 3 years. They are also working on making XBox 360s have 65 nanometer process instead of the current 90. That means cooler and overall more efficient processors! Woopie…

After hearing so many stories about Microsoft having terrible costumer support, I can now blog about it from a hands-on experience! On Microsoft’s support website they say to email them and they will get back to you within 24 hours. It has now been 96 hours and I haven’t received any reply.

Because this is such a huge issue for gamers and will be for a long time, I’ll continue to post updates on the journey of getting my Xbox 360 fixed.

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

6 thoughts on “Fix My 360”

  1. I’m currently going through this same process… I would recommend you call the support number vs emailing them. I tried this and met much frustration with the email support group. Their phone support group had me in queue for fixing within a half hr of dialling the phone.

    I was told to expect the total expected time between phone call and replacement/repair 20 business days (5 days to get the box for shipping to MSFT and 12-15 for return).

    Good luck!

  2. Yeah I’m calling them up right now. I’ve been waiting 35 minutes thus far. πŸ˜†

    That’s good to hear that the return time isn’t that terrible. I’ve heard stories of people waiting months to get their Xbox 360s back.

    I think the worst part about this whole thing is losing the data on my 360 harddrive. Do they back it up?

  3. Great I don’t have to send in the harddrive! I’m also getting a free Xbox Live Gold Card for 1 month. Thanks MS! πŸ˜€

    Now we’ll see if they can go by their 2-6 weeks repair date.

  4. You really should’ve called them up. Calling Customer service gets you a reply a lot faster. I called them up to get my 360 fixed when I was having freezing problems and the whole process was very fast.

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