You may notice some changes with the site. The main items that really affect the viewing of the site are:
1) The logo has been shifted to the left.
2) Underneath the sidebar logo there is a short explanation about the website.
3) The search field now says ‘search’, which makes it easier to identify.
4) The Pipeline now has the tagline ‘Entertainment Within a Box.’
5) Most importantly the top frame that featured The Pipeline has been removed. So where is The Pipeline? For right now you can either click on Larger Player or the new Multimedia Player. By clicking on the Multimedia Player link The Pipeline automatically appears in a new window! So make sure to unblock your pop-up blockers when you visit
I hope that all of these changes help you all navigate through the website. We realize that there’s a ton of content on this website that isn’t necessarily easy to access. If you have any suggestions and/or comments, please write to us!