Use Our Player – Get Free Advertising!

The word around has definitely been ‘Free’ recently! Now we’re taking free to a whole new step.

If you add the Multimedia Player onto your site or blog we’ll give you a free link on our blog! We’ve added a section on the sidebar called ‘Affiliates’ and it’s waiting for your site! With the Multimedia Player you don’t have to worry about updating the player with any video and audio content. provides all the daily updates that get sent directly onto the player on your website!

Again this is a FREE service that provides your visitors with hours of video games and movie content! In order to do this add the following line of code:

Small Player (400×300)

HTML Code:

<embed src=”” wmode=”transparent” width=”400″ height=”300″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” /></embed>

WordPress Code:

[splashcast RUOZ7143ZC]

Large Player (640×480)

HTML Code:
<embed src=”” wmode=”transparent” width=”640″ height=”480″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” /></embed>

WordPress Code:
[splashcast AJUA1190NR]

For examples on how the multimedia player works on third party websites, please visit

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

7 thoughts on “Use Our Player – Get Free Advertising!”

  1. I have posted the player on my blog and would you like you to add a link ( as per this blog post’s offer. If all goes well, I plan to give the streaming player a permanent home somewhere on the blog (header/footer/sidebar…still yet to be decided). Thanks again…and I am also curious about how we could get our own game content on the streaming player. Let me know-

  2. Also if the code that I’ve posted doesn’t work try getting it from the player itself. After the Welcome splash screen is over (after 30 seconds) the player has several buttons pop-up. Click on ‘Get It’ and you can find the code in there.

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