Most of us all know who Indiana Jones is, but if you don’t already know he is simply put, an archeologist. He goes on these crazy adventures traveling from country to country in seek of some artifact. The thing about this movie is that it is simply a classic, but it really does not stand the test of time. While it did teach us that being an archeologist is a fun and exhilarating job (which it’s not), it just seems like it’s missing something.
It’s jokes and action sequences are still good, overall it is just an unnecessary longer movie than it needs to be. This film is supposed to be a serial like movie, but it feels more like a soap opera. There is an action scene here and there and then you go into these long talks (especially at the beginning of the movie). Probably the best action scene is either the one in the market square at the beginning of the film or the one where Indiana is fighting in a fistfight against a huge Nazi in an airplane field, towards the latter-middle part of the film. If the movie just had more scenes like this then it would have gotten a higher rating, but you cannot change the past (cough cough Indiana Jones IV!).
Personally I think it would have been a better film if Indiana Jones had a side-kick or something. Now while you could say Marion Ravenwood, Dr. Marcus Brody, or Sallah was a side-kick to Indiana, it almost seemed like there was no chemistry there. You just did not get a good feel for whom these characters really are.
The music in this movie is superb! It is just fits the movie so perfectly! Whether it be the comical fight scenes or the serious ones the music just really helps the movie so much.
The acting in this movie is alright except for Marion Ravenwood played by actress Karen Allen. She just brings any scene that she is in down in quality. It could just be that her character seems flat, but she definitely did not help make it any better. Marion just seems like she is there just because they needed a damsel for which Indy to save.
Well I guess with all these things to fix that they will definitely be fixed right the sequel…right?