Military Exoskeleton-Robocop of the future?


It’s amazing how many cool things from movies about the future have come true such as motion-sensing technology, touch-screen monitors, and even things like having robotic pets such as Sony’s Aibo Dog.

Now it looks like another may come true thanks to the U.S military because they are developing an exoskeleton that will give the wearer superhuman strength.

Hit the jump for a glimpse into the future

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Chevrolet Equinox: A blueprint for eco-friendly cars of the future?

Chevrolet Equinox

Cast your eyes on the car above folks, because we might all be driving one like it in the future. It’s called the Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell and has been given the Green Car Journal’s Green Car Award for a vehicle that successfully “envisions the road ahead,” for its fuel cell propulsion system.

It is perhaps the most eco-friendly car around as the vehicle’s only emission is water vapour, and you can get your hands on it.

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