When the next generation of consoles became publicized developers were hard at work with first party companies to try and get a leg up on the new systems. Continue reading “Support for a New Console Platform Grows”
Tag: Developers
Microsoft Releases Natal Partners; Coming to TGS
What? No Peter Molyneux? But all we want is to ask British village boys if they’ve done their homework!
Continue reading “Microsoft Releases Natal Partners; Coming to TGS”
id begins work on Doom 4, wants talented people like you
It’s that time of the decade again, when id rolls in and starts making announcements and advancements here and there. The video game veteran developer and virtually the founder of the FPS genre, id has announced that they are beginning work on Doom 4!
Currently they haven’t divulged any details other than it will continue the Doom Universe and the battle vs. evil, blah blah blah. But more importantly, id is hiring! id has announced that they are looking for talented individuals to join their uber-team to save the world from crappy video games! Hit the jump for some more stuff on this.
Continue reading “id begins work on Doom 4, wants talented people like you”