The Spectacular Now directed by James Ponsoldt, allows for an unfiltered look and portrayal of teenage life. Continue reading “Movie Review: The Spectacular Now”
Author: Evan Rochte
Apple WWDC: iOS 7
As expected, iOS 7 was revealed and is a design change and it brings some new and need features. This is the part of the keynote that the most time and attention was spent on. On the software side, as far as changes and updates this takes the crown. People were waiting with baited breath to see what these changes would be considering that Jony Ive has now left his mark on iOS. Continue reading “Apple WWDC: iOS 7”
Apple WWDC: Haswell MacBook Air & redesigned Mac Pro
On the hardware side of things for the keynote, Apple announced new Haswell based MacBook Air computers, a new Airport Extreme router and a US assembled redesign of the Mac Pro desktop computer. Continue reading “Apple WWDC: Haswell MacBook Air & redesigned Mac Pro”
Apple WWDC: OS X 10.9 Mavericks
As expected Apple showed off the upcoming update to OS X. The new name for this version of OSX, version 10.9 is Mavericks. Out are the big cat names and in are names based on famous California places and beaches. Continue reading “Apple WWDC: OS X 10.9 Mavericks”
E3 2012: Day two, more insight
You know that companies pour lots of money into their E3 presentations and booths, but really I had no idea. Continue reading “E3 2012: Day two, more insight”
E3 2012: Day one, Thoughts and impressions
Day one of E3 started out with excitement and a sense of being overwhelmed. At an industry trade show like this there is always so much to see and do, knowing a single person can’t get hands-on with every game demo and video presentation. Never having the opportunity to attend E3 before, I only had a outsider’s view of what to expect. Continue reading “E3 2012: Day one, Thoughts and impressions”