Starcraft II LAN petition hits six figures

So a while back Blizzard said Starcraft II wouldn’t have LAN, fans got angry because Starcraft is serious business. So these angry fans start a petition, not quite a protest march but they have been known to work for video games in the past. The petition grew to 25,000 signatures with in the first week or so.

It’s been almost two months since that petition started and the momentum from that first week wasn’t maintained, but it hasn’t completely disappeared. Since the petition started it has hit 100,000 signatures. That doesn’t mean much beyond just being a number.

Blizzard hasn’t said they will add it if the petition hits a certain number, or said if they have added it. Considering the game won’t be coming out until 2010 it’s not a stretch to say they have the time to add LAN. I’d suspect that if they are going to add it, they’ll probably announce it next week at Blizzcon.

Starcraft II LAN petition report from kotaku

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