Turtles in Time Remake now 10 dollars!

The Summer of Arcade has only hit it’s second week and it’s already changing. First week was ‘Splosion Man(feel free to read my review if you want), second week was Marvel VS Capcom 2. The third week, this coming Tuesday is a modern remake of the TMNT beat’em up Turtles in Time.

The first game is still one of the most played Xbox Live Arcade games, and continues to reside on the popular titles list. Well the new one is probably hoping to follow the first re-release’s success, and in doing so has lowered the price when the game is released.

Originally 1200 points(15 dollars US), the game will now be 800(10 dollars). “We wanted to give something to the loyal TMNT fans in honor of the 25th anniversary,” Ubisoft has said in regards to this change.

This follows an announcement from Microsoft offering an 800 MS point rebate for buying all of the games in the Summer of Arcade line up. 65 dollars for 5 games and a potentially free one on top? Not bad considering a great deal of them stand to be fun.

TMNT: Turtles in Time reshelled repriced
Microsoft XBLA rebate

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