With so many CSI releases already past it’s hard to distinguish the good ones from the bad these days. Granted, almost all are the same, a half season of episodes and a quick featurette added for good measure. This release of season 8 part 2 is no different. There are a number of interesting stand-alone stortylines including issues covering bulls and the death of a tv star.
For animal lovers this release is something of a sore point. While nothing is really done to the animals involved one of the first episodes in the set involves dog fighting and is quite graphic in nature. It’s certainly nothing you want the kids to see.
Overall the release of 8.2 will be welcome to fans of the CSI franchise. The larger storyline covered with a murder investigation where one of the lead characters (Brown) is the prime suspect is very engaging so a must for fans of the show. Where casual crime fans are concerned there is enough to keep you interested when the price comes down.