If I could turn a video game into a cartoon, Crash Bandicoot would be on the top of my list. It consistently has top of the line one-liners that are hilarious. Crash’s latest outing continues the tradition. This sequel to Crash of the Titans, actually brings out a nice blend of monster smashing with Bandicooting – if there was ever such a word.
The story isn’t that complex, but even after playing that game I still don’t really know what is going on. But the weak story premise doesn’t hinder the gameplay or comedic cutscenes. The voice acting is top-notch. It features: Jess Harnell, Lex Lang, Debi Derryberry, and more.
There is really only one BIG negative thing to say about this game: the camera controls are terrible. Ok, well the player can’t control the camera at all. Sometimes this is ok in a game if the player doesn’t need to explore the world, but in Mind Over Mutant it’ll frustrate players. Walking in the opposite direction from the view of the camera is actually very difficult. Often times the player will be looking back and forth between the map and trying to figure out how to get to the next level simply because they can’t see how to get to a place in the world. The good news is that the rail camera system does do a good job of keeping track of the on screen action.
Overall not a lot has changed from last year’s game, but the new story mixed with solid gameplay will make this a great game for Crash fans.