[Update: 4/9/08] The creators of Zelda Lost series now have a geek anime music video called Yuri Only One for Me.
DangerForce Productions has sent over a high quality file of their latest fan-film Zii. Zii is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Lost fan-film that came out last year, which takes the Zelda universe and puts it into the real world, of course it still has magic! Without further ado…
lol this is cheesy. 🙄 good game though.
Definitely cheesy. 😀
thisis a really cool game ima big fan
😳 you’ere so cute you all that’s true
lOve It! 😉
This was not cheesy at all. You guys sould look it up. Anyway, this was the best non-publeshed acting/movie I ever seen. All the people in the movie should realy get into an acting. I would love to see the main char in public films.
its was long 🙁 but good 😀 yo zelda he acutualy looks like him make more
I’ve just received word that a third Zii film is being thought up right now!
Very cool good special effects. 😀
Now all of you can comment within the video player!
that was….retarded…they fought like four year olds.
disappointing 😡
Well as if you could do better.
Nice movie 😀
I love you Zelda! 😳
➡ Zelda you are so cute. Do you want to be married with me?
😯 wtf……..tht sucked crap……retards……….zelda sux lol
wow….. this was stupid
That was kinda dumb 🙄 lol ……..I LOVE THE GAME 😉 Though!!!!!!
LOL…this guy is so fruity
but the game is really fun
i like the game
😎 i thought that this was kinda interesting. Being a fan of the Zelda series myself, its always nice to see what someone’s take on the Legend of Zelda is like. I particularly like the modern-day touch, and how the moblins are potrayed as street thugs and Ganon himself is an evil businessman. If they did make a Zelda movie (Hopefully wise minds will not let Uwe Boll from direct it) I would have to recomend something like this: A modern day swords and Sorcery pic to keep it distant from other fantasy films released today, where the setting is a mystical land. Hope you guys make more of these, and i look foward to the next one!
dude this chet was lame i could make a better one …..
um it sucked hehehe but mabe if u improve it, it will be good mabe just mabe.But who made it? whatever.
oh and i got lost in it 😯 .I mean u got it up here but it confused me.
THAT was freaking lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so gay where the heck is all his armor and hat and shield that was stupid where the heck was his fairy i mean come on 😯 😯 ❓ ❓
That was sooooooooooooooo gay!!!!!!!!!! 😯 👿 😎 😀 💡 😛 🙄 😉 😥 😮 😆 😡 🙁
this is for dummys
man what the was that is that zelda or my toilet? 😯
mmmm…….i liked it but thats not zelda right? 😯
Of course it’s not really Zelda. It’s a fan film 😉
zii….. u suck and is a disgrace ur a fool and no more than that ❗
wtf kinda name is zii imperosnating nintendo wii u fagget
👿 👿 👿 Hey thghe game was radicle man, i mean check out the cool chicks it was so histerical and i loved it. it seems that games may bwe the future of this planet. so any one ou for a pzza or something 😕 cfrgb 🙄 🙄 😛 😛 😳 💡
that was so LAME ❗ that suck balls he wear a hat not a jacket 👿
ill all of you pple shut up ith bad commentsits not like youguys culd jump off acliff and surv…..o wayevr just stopmaking bd comments
man the people who say you suck know nothing. lol i love the song. and the zelda sieries you make. dued your too awsome and legend of zelda is the best game out there. people who leave bad comments just go suck somewhere els please. lol stupid homos.
very great song i love it love the game you are a winner. (^^)
This series is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the game is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legend of Zelda Octorok Hunter – Made this mettlesome in a some days, ease employed on it 🙂 The neutral is to blackball every adversary as alacritous as possible
I hav played all zelda games. usuly i would hate you for makeing fun of it, but its realy funny, and i warn you there is people with better stuff doing the same thing, and there funnyer. To them your a beginer. But this is still funny