The Games of 2008: Part I

Games of 2008, Part I

2007 has been a very good year for the gaming industry, with dozens of spectacular titles that we shall play for quite a while. StuffWeLike has decided to compile a list of games we should expect for 2008. With this year being so great and all, we hope the next will be equally exciting and we aren’t wholly disappointed (yet)!

In Part I, we cover the games whose release dates have been announced and hopefully will not be delayed. Of course, we may have missed a few games here and there. If so, be sure to tell us in the comments! So here’s Part I!

Continue reading “The Games of 2008: Part I”

‘Glory Days 2’ and ‘Nervous Brickdown’ Nintendo DS Reviews

Every gamer knows that summertime sucks. It’s rare that good games come out anytime between June-August. Well this is one of those rare times as I’ve got two games that I highly recommend! Watch the full reviews below: