What’s your Way of Play? The PlayStation Network wants to know what gets you excited about online gaming. Is it the friends you’ve met gaming online? Is it the advice others have given you in order to clear a level that’s been giving you trouble? Or do you just enjoy being part of an ever-expanding online gaming universe?
What exactly are they looking for? Way of Play is looking for short films, no longer than three minutes long, that are inspired by your favorite online multi-player moments on PSN. What gets you excited about online gaming. What makes it fun for you? What makes you come back day after day? They want to know, and the more creatively you can tell them, the better!
And it doesn’t just have to be a short film. You can also upload artwork or a photo that depicts your personal Way of Play and how you utilize online gaming positively. This is a great way to get your creativity flowing and express yourself through gaming.
And there’s prizes, too!
Ten people will be selected to win cash prizes for their efforts, and the winning videos will be showcased PlayStation’s official online channels. Runners-up will receive a PlayStation Vita system and a PlayStation Plus subscription!
Entries must be submitted/uploaded to facebook.com/wayofplay before April 22, 2013.
Here’s a sample of some of the mantras your can use as a theme for your video:
+ Actions speak louder than smack-talk
+ Keep your friends close, and your enemies cupcaked
+ There’s no I in gooooooooooooal!
+ Take your silliness seriously
+ All’s fair in alien zombie megadeath and war
+ A little less trash talk, a little more action.
+ If you can’t beat ‘em, disembowel them
Don’t forget to enter before April 22!
This post sponsored by PlayStation.