Witty, creative, entertaining, and very funny, Ricky Gervais delivers a animated comedy knockout with The Ricky Gervais Show. With the help of his buddies Stephen Merhcant and Karl Pilkington, Gervais (The Office, Extras) and company begin each episode sitting around a table musing about a variety of topics and life in general.
Their musings quickly transform into a wide range of comical animated sketches where each topic is given a satirical and irreverent bent, and no topic is off limits. Most of the really zany and outlandish ideas come from Pilkington who has some rather wacky ideas about how to solve many of the world’s problems.
This is a fast-paced HBO series that really captures the energy and humor that makes Gervais shine. It’s a lot of fun, and definitely a must see for fans of Gervais or off-beat comedy in general.
Special features include Comedy Gala Animation Spot and an Episode Storyboard.
I highly recommend this award-winning and record-breaking series. It’s great fun and full of great stuff!
The Ricky Gervais Show: The Complete First Season is available NOW on DVD!
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