Many of the Half-Life acolytes have been driven underground in the past year or two, and the lack of information regarding the game is almost completely to blame. Insult was added to injury when Left 4 Dead 2 was released in November 2009, a day short of a year after the original L4D.
A quick Google search painted a pretty depressing picture about the unreleased game. A 2008 Ars Technica post regretfully revealed that there would be no HL2ep3 in 2010. A little higher up the page is an early 2010 GameInformer/Joystiq rumormill report that there would be no HL2ep3 in 2010. The top post? speculative fanboy wanking.
What we do know for sure: It will be released eventually, and there might be a Half Life 3.
Eh, you guys do what you gotta do. I’ll stick around and keep watch.