Sci-fi aficionados (i.e., my fellow nerd brethren) are no doubt aware of last week’s news that Vin Diesel will reprise his role as the anti-hero Riddick in a third installment of the film franchise.
Reports stated that the new film, simply titled Riddick, will depart from the broad scope of the second movie, The Chronicles of Riddick, and focus more on the interstellar outlaw as a character. How will this translate to the screen? The Hollywood Reporter garnered a few details on Riddick‘s storyline:
“The script features the character — the most wanted man in the galaxy — left for dead on a barren alien planet, dealing with “trisons” (three-legged bisons) and “mud demons.” He must then contend with two squads of bounty hunters, one of which ride rockets called jetcycles.”
I feel Riddick’s pain. Mud demons get in my house every time it rains. At any rate, the story sounds much closer to the creature laden events of the first film, Pitch Black. I predict a few space bounty hunter casualties at some point in the future.