Rumour is, that Robert Rodriguez will be producer in a reboot of the Predator franchise. Just how awesome is that?
Bloody Disgusting was tipped earlier today by a reliable source that Robert Rodriguez and his crew, Troublemaker Studios will be producing a complete reboot of Predator.
There’s no official word on this yet, so we’ll have to take Bloody Disgusting’s word on this. There’s no info about any director or even a script, but something very is mentioned:
“In the reboot a team of commandoes face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters.”
That’s the pitch, and it says “monsters”. Note the plural there. That would be a pretty major departure from the original as we now have the commandos fighting multiple Predators. Which is awesome.
I like Robert Rodriguez and think he’s a decent enough director so I’d like to see what comes of this whole thing. I can’t count on a Predator remake being awesome without Arnold Schwarzenegger, but who knows, I’m definitely excited!
Sounds pretty sweet!