Microsoft have released a statement on their website regarding the future of
Windows XP after the end of June deadline when retail boxed versions are
to stop being sold.
What Microsoft has said is that they are still to go ahead with the deadline although
current users of XP do not need to worry about product support. According to their
current plans even though the product would have passed they plan to provide
support until 2014. This should at least prove some reassurance to those who
thought they might be left without any technical support past the date and a
take Vista or be left behind attitude. While you will still have no choice but to
buy Vista and not XP at least there is product support scheduled for the far future
enabling you to keep your current XP system working longer.
The last point is that the end of June deadline also applies to the OEM versions
used by Dell, HP and the other manufacturers meaning you wont be able to
buy a newly made generic unit also.
What this means for you?
The small print when searching through the Microsoft announcement comes to this.
While “Extended Support” customers will get support until 2014 as publicised
those who purchased a non-oem (i.e. a shrink-wrapped, not pre-installed, copy)
will only receive “Mainstream Support” to April 2009.
The full text can be found at the below link:
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