World of Warcraft: The Comic Book.

Comic Book Cover

Right, if you really want to, you can click the image above to get a jumbo-sized version of the same.

Now then, it appears that the guys at Blizzplanet were intrigued by Jim Lee’s name being listed at the San Diego Comic Con 2007 schedule. After some thorough digging, they, where a user (under the name ‘thefreakytiki’) posted that he found a free comic sampler at a local comic store. The credits for the sampler included Jim Lee as a cover artist.

Further digging found the scan you see above. This is going to spur thousands of webcomic jokes, I’m sure. That cover looks awesome to me, and I’m guessing it is for real. Lee will be making an appearance at the upcoming Blizzcon on August 3rd, 2007. So whatever happens next, happens there.

[Via Blizzplanet]

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