Version 7.0 – Now Online

After an entire weekend of labor, version 7 of is now officially online! What’s different about this version from ones in the past is that we now have a multimedia player! I’m looking into creating a video game music channel with this player. As such if you’re an indie developer and would like to have your music on this channel please contact me!

This Week on: Battlestar Galactica – Dirty Hands

Um… hey, you guys? Can we stop having sucky episodes of BSG? It would be really appreciated. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in Season Three. Sure, it started off well, but these past few weeks… A Day In the Life, The Woman King…uh, no thanks. I’m all for drama, but can something happen? Can the story move on?

This week: Chief Tyrol is put in charge of a tylium processing plant that’s been less than cooperative lately. Surprise ending! (Or not.)

The flood begins

Thanks for all the feedback about the site! We’ve already changed some aspects of it such as allowing users to only view the text part of the website and also to view a larger player (the links are right under ‘More News’ at the top frame).

Also please note that in order to register an account on the forum, you must register an account on this blog. The forum and the blog are tied directly together. If you had an account on the forum, please register on the blog side to maintain access.