BioWare is a company known for their RPGs. Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights and the Baldur’s gate series. Continue reading “Dragon Age: Origins, a Xbox 360 review”
Tag: star wars: knights of the old republic
BioWare working on KotOR game, possibly LucasArts project
The Internets are abuzz with news on BioWare, who we already saw in news earlier today. This time, it’s the strong rumour that BioWare is working on a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game – something that has been in rumourland for months. But this time, man – this time, the evidence is just one step short of official announcement.
To find out what this is all about and what this proof is, hit the jump.
Continue reading “BioWare working on KotOR game, possibly LucasArts project”