“Reprise” A Smart Indie Film

Miramax/ Red Envelope Entertainment
Starring Espen Klouman Høiner, Andres Danielsen Lie, and Viktoria Winge
Directed by Joachim Trier
Rated R for Language, Sexuality, and Brief Nudity
107 minutes
Available Now

The Cast of \"Reprise\"

SUB-TITLE ALERT: The following is a foreign film. Those who do not wish to read while they watch a movie have been warned.

Our lives are not our own. They belong to those around us. Those we affect with our decisions, choices, and actions. Each individual follows their own unique path when it comes to how they live their life. But it is how that life intersects with the lives and choices of others that make humanity interesting. Reprise, Official Selection of Sundance Film Festival, Continue reading ““Reprise” A Smart Indie Film”