Day one of E3 started out with excitement and a sense of being overwhelmed. At an industry trade show like this there is always so much to see and do, knowing a single person can’t get hands-on with every game demo and video presentation. Never having the opportunity to attend E3 before, I only had a outsider’s view of what to expect. Continue reading “E3 2012: Day one, Thoughts and impressions”
Tag: nintendo
Download Full Versions of Nintendo Games
Oh snap! Nintendo is shutting down! Continue reading “Download Full Versions of Nintendo Games”
Nintendo Won’t Reveal Price of Wii U
I’m sorry, but Nintendo I need to know the price of your console before I buy it. Can I pay in Monopoly money? Continue reading “Nintendo Won’t Reveal Price of Wii U”
Joel McHale Buy Nintendo 3DS NOW!
If Joel McHale starred in a Nintendo 3DS commercial what would it be like? If you answered it would be like the video below, you’re smart.
Nintendo Network
Is the Nintendo Network going to be the online solution that we’ve been craving to use on Nintendo systems?
Wii U App Store
Nintendo could be using the Wii U for more than just gaming, applications may also be available on your HDTV and tablet.
Watch my 2012 Video Game Forecast for more information about the upcoming second screen video game craze.