Did you hear that? Thousands of pop-culture fans just screamed! Comic-Con 2012 badges will go on sale at 8:00 a.m. PST on Saturday March 3rd, 2012. But, only a special group of people on the company’s “E-List” were just emailed a link that will be active at that time. What classifies one for this list? I have no clue but I assume it is those with member IDs.
Although only those with a Member ID will be allowed to purchase a badge, the EPIC waiting room is open to the general public and if the link is leaked online they anticipate that several thousand people who did not sign-up for a Member ID will attempt to access the registration system erroneously. Additionally, should you choose to share the date or link online, it is likely to be picked up by numerous media outlets who will share this information with a larger audience.
We strongly recommend that you visit http://www.comic-con.org/cci/cci_reg.php and download the “Comic-Con 2012 Helpful Hints and Tips for Online Badge Registration” PDF. Reading this document may give you and advantage in obtaining a badge over others who choose not to read it.
Also, this date apparently does not relate to professional, press, exhibitor, volunteer, or program participant registration. I am sure the people under those categories will be notified soon.