Smallville Returns via Comic Books

Smallville Season 11 comic book

Smallville Season 11 comic book

Run for the hills! Smallville is back! Oh wait this is a continuation of the series into what would be season 11? So Clarke is now Superman? Hmm… this could be interesting. After all Smallville greatly improved toward the end of its life compared to roughly seasons 5-8.

In its finale Clarke finally became Superman. The only that we didn’t get to see much of was Clarke actually being Superman. He kind of just flew off and saved the world while the cameras “forgot” to follow him to get into the action. So the story in this season 11 will follow Clarke across his first year as being Superman.

Anyway SMALLVILLE SEASON 11 is written by former Smallville show scribe Bryan Q. Miller, the new digital first series will be published digitally on April 13, 2012.

I think it’s pretty cool to see series like Smallville and Buffy continue their stories after their TV shows were taken off the air. But are comic books the best format? Would you prefer to see animated movies or something like that? Let me know in the comments section below!

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

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