Hey, if a Hobbit approves Bushmills Irish Whiskey so do I!
This past Tuesday night October 4, 2011 StuffWeLike attended Bushmills “Since Way Back” event. Bushmills Irish Whiskey is one of oldest names in spirits with over 400 years of distilling tradition.
Through “Since Way Back” Bushmills celebrates the relationships of artists and influencers across the world, and collaborates with each to produce creative, inspired content that reflects each of his passions.
“Expanding our ‘Since Way Back’ platform across the U.S. is an incredible step for this unique and inspiring program,” said Yvonne Briese, Vice President of Marketing, Diageo NA Whiskey. “Bushmills has always held pride in recognizing timeless friendships and brotherhood, and the creativity that stems from both. Since Way Back gives us the opportunity to develop additional opportunities and outlets for our involved groups of guys to express their craft while still conveying the spirit of this reliable, warm Irish whiskey that comes from a community that has been celebrating friendships for hundreds of years.”
The event was held at the Corondelet House and accompanied by DJ’s Wooden Wisdom – aka Elijah Wood and Turquoise Wisdom, musical talent.
You can check out a bunch of pictures from the event below:
Check out more information about Bushmills Since Way Back Event at http://www.stuffwelike.com/2011/10/09/bushmills-since-way-back-event/
Posted by StuffWeLike.com on Wednesday, October 5, 2011