For 70 years Dumbo has been learning how to take flight, did he finally figure it out in this new Bluray package?
First off this film has been digitally restored so it more than likely looks better than how you previously saw it. The colors are vibrant and the lack of artifacts and dust is great.
Dumbo itself is just over an hour in length so thankfully Disney has packed this Bluray with special features that help make up for the shorter than average length of the animated movie. They do a pretty good job of balancing special features that kids and adults will enjoy. They have animated shorts, trivia, a deleted scene and song, and art galleries for the kids. For those of you who want to know more about what it was like to make Dumbo back in the day there are several documentaries that cover the subject.
This package also contains a DVD of the film and special features. Although they’re the same special features that can be found on the Bluray, I was surprised at the amount of special features included on the DVD.
Dumbo is a classic old-school Disney movie, which you can see how it still has an impact on animated movies today. It makes sense to go out and see this film in its best format possible. Thus you should pick up Dumbo 70th Anniversary Bluray.