With the upcoming Muppet Movie, it looks as though Disney may be trying to reignite Muppet fandom with a reimagining of the original theme song.
For those of you who are familiar with the band OK Go!, you understand just how much of an impact they have on popculture today. With their music video “Here it Goes Again” becoming a viral sensation with a view count up to 8,835,624 views, and more recently a song titled “This Too Shall Pass” with a music video all about a Rube Goldberg machine reaching 30,033,178 views, they have a lot of pull in the viral marketing world. So it’s no wonder that Disney decided to team up with them to bring about a re-imagining of the Muppet Show theme song.
Full of references to the show, even with a hilarious appearnce of Stadtler and Waldorf, this video is sure to delight not only Muppet fans but fans of the band themselves. Seems like a win win to me. What companies need to start realizing is that Youtube and the like of other video sharing websites do have a lot of force when it comes to being a marketable area for films and other media. Slowly it seems that they are starting to fall into place and market more towards the internet but it’s a slow process and if they do not hurry a new way to bring about their product will arrive.
With all this buzz surrounding the Muppets with their first original film coming to theaters since 1999, it’s no wonder that people are excited. Make sure to check constantly on Youtube as it seems that though we may not be seeing a new Muppet show anytime soon they are releasing a lot of teasing videos of your favorite characters interacting in their zany situations once again.
And if this isn’t enough Muppet for you, then make sure to pick up the new “Green Album” available in stores now! Visit http://www.smarturl.it/muppetsalbum
Stay tuned with Stuff We Like for more viral and movie updates everyday!