In 1941, Walt Disney and group of his animators made a pilgrimage to South America. Their adventures and exploits are explored in Walt & El Grupo: The Untold Adventures an interesting look at a time in Disney history I never knew about. I think that’s what makes the documentary all the more intriguing: it’s an aspect of Walt Disney’s life that a lot of people never knew about until now.
It was in South America that Disney and his team created two iconic films with clear South American influences: Saludos Amigos (1943) and The Three Caballeros (1944). Why did Walt and company head to South America? The tale itself is quite fascinating and involves the federal government and a plan to use Walt Disney as a cultural ambassador to South America.
The resulting adventure became one of significance and enrichment for both Disney and his team of animators who made the journey. This documentary explores the ins and outs of the trip, includes profiles of the animators who went with Walt along with interviews with family and others.
Special features include: Audio Commentary With Director Theodore Thomas and Historian J.B. Kaufman; Photos in Motion; From the Director’s Cut: Home Movies for the Big Screen, My Father’s Generation, Artists and Politicians; Saludos Amigos: Original 1943 Release; and Original Trailers: Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros.
For a new perspective on Walt Disney during a tumultuous time in our world’s history, check out Walt & El Grupo: The Untold Adventures.
Walt & El Grupo: The Untold Adventures is available NOW on DVD!