The planet Pandora has seen quite a bit of activity lately. Weapons corporations running amok trying to find the Vault, zombie outbreaks NOT perpetuated by a disturbed mustachio, underground gladiatorial fights over its busty ringleader, a military that has so many guns it doesn’t know what to do with them all, and a killer lunchbox bent on enslaving the planet. Sounds like a pretty rough and tumble, albeit fun, ride through the world of Pandora. Now you can enjoy it all in one box with the Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition. Claptrap has all the details.
So help Claptrap out and pick up a copy today if you haven’t gotten your arms deep into the guts of the local populace. The game runs the same as a regular game, $60 on PS3 and 360 and $50 on PC, which is well worth the price of the additional content. Remember! You also get access to the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club, a demo of the Duke’s return in 12 years.