Great ghost of Gary Gygax, AMATERATSU IS BACK! Capcom trademarked the name Okamiden a few weeks back, which led some people to hoping it was tied to the critical wonder Okami. Little was known beyond that, until a page showing off the next issue of Famitsu with one of the articles focusing on said game Okamiden.
Still wasn’t much in the way of confirming a sequel to what I find as the best game to come out the PlayStation 2. Kotaku got hold of a page of the new Famitsu, which shows scans of Okamiden, which is most definitely an Okami sequel.
The screens show off much of the same art style from the original game, but with less detail. There’s a white wolf, obviously the main character Amateratsu, and what looks like a small boy riding on her back with a sword. The art style is largely the same, but I’m not sure how I feel about a sequel being made on the DS with most of Clover studio being apart of Platinum Studios.
I don’t think it’ll be anywhere near as good as the first one, but it brings me great joy to see that Capcom hasn’t given up on the series. I can only hope more information is going to be announced in the coming weeks, especially at TGS next month.