Okay, well not delayed, just not dated for this year anymore. The sequel to the ridiculously popular RTS won’t be releasing the first part of their three parter this year. Rather they have confirmed that the game will not come out until 2010. This is largely due to the game’s updated Battle.net system, which is an integral part of the new Starcraft 2 experience.
Anyone who has been playing WoW over the past few months has seen these problems. The major issues largely fall with in the login. Authentication has been a large issue with battle.net and non-battle.net users alike with in WoW, often keeping thousands of people unable to log on for hours at a time.
This isn’t exceptionally surprising though. Blizzard is a company that often follows the “It’s done when it’s done” method. They’re not usually one to release an unfinished product, and releasing a major one like Starcraft 2 with major issues at the start would be exceptionally bad.
Activision isn’t likely to be very happy because of this though. With the delay of one of their biggest titles they project the revenue they will have gained this year being 300 million less than they had originally expected. This is not just because of Starcraft 2, but in large part due to the weak economy.
Starcraft 2 delayed and Activision makes less money because of it.
Our StarCraft II Beta Key Giveaway Contest has started! (Keys Limited). Get a FREE SCII Beta Key at: http://sc2beta.info?. i know there is a lot of spam but we are legitimately? holding a giveaway. go check it out for yourself!
Just go here if u need a sc2 key, its quick got mine in 1 hour 😀
going to play sc later!
played starcraft for 8 years and no cd key while all those war3 players are already playing?!!
i barely cant wait to play starcraft2! =O
Thanks for the post there is always something great to read here. Thanks again Take Care
Activision is gonna rush this game out. They're gonna bring Blizzard down.