Another Call of Duty is around the corner, and this one is being made by Infinity Ward again! A sequel to their highly popular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 is expected to be released November 10th later this year.
Besides being released to an overwhelming support, the Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has released a youtube video showing the unboxing of their Super-Limited edition of the game called the “Prestige edition”.
What’s so special about the Prestige Edition? Well it comes with the game in a steelcase, a code for the first Call of Duty game to download on the PSN or XBLA, and an art book. Oh wait, I forgot. NIGHT VISION GOGGLES!
Yes, the game comes with a “working pair” of night vision goggles. The video says they’re completely working with alternating functions. I’m skeptical about that. Either the set is going to be more expensive than Rock band or those are going to be a really pair of Toys”R”Us quality goggles.
Either way, it definitely looks like an impressive collector’s edition. No word on price yet but watch for a price in the coming months/weeks.
I am awesome and rich…..
Now I can really get into the game!
yo dawg so i herd u liek nite vision, so we put a nite vision in ur nite vision so u can spy while you spy