Burn Notice is a comedy/action series about a US spy who is fired in the middle of a job overseas. After being dropped in Miami there is a threat that he is not allowed to leave the city or know who burned him. So to keep busy the spy helps the local people with their problems involving mobsters and conmen. All while trying to find out information about his situation and why.
It’s one of the best shows around at the moment and not as well known as it should be since it comes from a small TV network. There’s plenty of action involved with a nice appearance of Bruce Campbell as one of the spy’s sidekicks which will keep Evil Dead fans happy to see him around again.
There are a couple of quick featurettes included which add a bit to the overall package. Mostly these cover the location/look and also have the audition tapes from when two of the three key roles were cast. Included are scene commentaries but with how many scenes are covered it’s hard to wonder why a standard commentary wasn’t included instead. It’s only half the size of a standard US season but where Burn Notice is concerned it’s more quality than quantity.
Overall if you want a great spy series then Burn Notice is it. No sales pitch is required.
Bought the DVD as soon as it came out. Love the show, wouldn’t have known about it if I hadn’t set my cable box to tell me about shows coming up with Bruce Campbell in it. Hell, wouldn’t have watched it if I didn’t know Bruce Campbell was in it. Great quality on a TV series, especially that doesn’t blatantly try to rip off CSI and it’s many spin offs(I’m looking at you Monk, Psyche, and Lie to Me).
Everyone at my school says that I look like the main character. That’s my only connection to this show.