Star Trek has had so many videogame releases over the years it’s amazing. There have been Trek games taking place on every console you can imagine with all the shows covered. What we would like to know is what you consider to be the best Star Trek PC game ever. A few highlights from the last 15 years or so include:
Deep Space Nine: The Fallen
Dominion Wars
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Star Trek: Klingon Academy
Star Trek: Starfleet Command 1-3
Star Trek: Legacy
Star Trek: New Worlds
Star Trek: Bridge Commander
Deep Space Nine: Harbinger
In this Trek fans opinion Starfleet Academy is the best game. Running a full 5 CDs in size due to C&C style FMV sequences and only a 200MB install size the game is epic in size and enjoyment. It also includes William Shatner as Captain Kirk himself as the space simulator is a tremendous game in itself. You can pick any ship from the Star Trek 3 era including the Excelsior or the Enterprise A and play in a skirmish against Romulans or Klingons controlling all the brige stations and fighting to control the damage and allocate emergency power playing with a group of cadets. It is also one of the few Star Trek games which still works completely when playing in Windows XP by using software rendering instead of relying on graphics card drivers. An epic game which was made even better by it’s expansion and the Klingon Academy sequel.
What this means for you? We want to hear your thoughts about what you think is the best Star Trek videogame. In the least it means knowing about what should be considered an essential title for any Star Trek fan.