MGS Retrospective complete –

For those who have been keeping an eye on the backstory for Metal Gear Solid has updated their retrospective series. It includes now not only the older console titles but also the handheld titles and finally a total game summary including the stories from all the previous titles in one single retrospective part. While the download size is not small at 100mb each part one cannot pass up watching this video series if interested in Metal Gear.

What you do find at the end is all the game story lines are the same. Snake goes in, someone who helps him betrays him, stock showing of a Metal Gear nuke launch robot then snake goes into distance. It’s almost as obvious as in each season of 24 someone in CTU turns out to be working for the villain.  Without playing MGS4 I can’t say if the same happens in that game but it’s a good guess.

What does this mean for you? A great set of 20 minute long videos to watch or download from

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