In what is the most accurate movie title in the franchise, Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg present the next in line to their already disaster line of movie spoofs: Disaster Movie. We have the poster right here, and while it has a mildly good take on The Day After Tomorrow, the movie will have to be much, much better to offset the… well, disappointment (yes, too weak a word) from Meet the Spartans and- who are we kidding? The entire goddamn franchise.
The cast features Kim Kardashian and Carmen Electra, for the booby goodness. Matt Lanter (the voice of Anakin from the upcoming Star Wars: Clone Wars TV series!) will be starring, with Nicole Parker and more people from the same bandwagon.
I, for one, am getting tired of this pricks. Its rime there are either really good Hollywood spoofs or none at all. It would probably be funny to see a “Spoof Movie” from someone other than Seltzer and Friedberg. Oh, and click the thumbnail below for the full-size poster, courtesy Cinematical.
This is hilarious, I wonder what movies will be included. nice!