While normally new Catalyst drivers don’t warrant
a comment the newest version do. This is because not
only do they add the usual performance increases for
games in DirectX 9 and 10 but it’s also certified for
Windows XP Service Pack 3. There are also new TV-out
features including a bigger range of HD supported
New features in Catalyst 8.5 include among others:
– SECAM TV-Out Support
– 1080p HDTV custom mode
– HDMI Audio for non-standard TV modes
– 1080p24 Mode Support
– Adaptive AA on OpenGL for Catalyst Control Center
There are also fixes for the following games:
Cliver Barker’s Jericho, Colin McRae: Dirt, Crysis,
Doom 3, Farcry, Gears of War, Quake Wars, Halo 2,
Hellgate: London, Team Fortress 2, Stranglehold
and many more.
What this means for you? A number of fixes and
improvements available which might make your
games run with a better frame rate without having
to buy new hardware. That’s always a bonus!