While the console market as of now appears to be dominated by the holy trinity – Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, we’ve been hearing rumours of outsiders such as Apple aspiring to get into the action. Acer appears to have taken interest as well – and it’s going one step further – it will make open-platform consoles, giving game devs more freedom and game players more fun (we think).
Continue reading to find out more on Acer’s plans for global console conquest.
Vice-President of Acer, James T. Wong told BetaNews that Acer will be looking into creating a console based on “open standards” as opposed to Nintendo or Microsoft, who hold to their proprietary systems like teddy bears.
While that is all that is known at this point of time, it is pretty exciting news, really. Not having to pay licence fees for their games, more game developers (especially indie and newbie ones) will take to this console and enrich it with more experimental gameplay (since otherwise games have to go through stringent tests, censors, revisions and cuts because Microsoft and Nintendo want their games to be little-girl-friendly).
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