The Three Little Pigs (no, that’s not a band) are in trouble from Becta, a UK Government agency panel that ruled that a digital interpretation of the ancient children’s tale is racist! The statement was described as a ‘slap in the face’ by creative director Anne Curtis. The digital book, which has already won an award was turned down by Becta, which gives away the coveted Bett Award. How can the three innocent little pigs possibly be racist? Hit the jump to find out!
Becta ruled that this CD-version of the tale prominently featured pigs, which could be offensive to Muslims. Well, duh – Three Little Pigs? I don’t see how an interpretation of the Three Little Pigs can be done without the pigs. And I’m pretty sure most members from the UK Muslim community would know better than to go suing for cultural offence over a goddamned children’s tale.
Because that can’t possibly be enough, Becta also said that the story could be offensive to builders, because the story makes a heavy use of stereotypes for the three pigs, all of whom are builders. The judges say: “Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?”
Since they have such a hatred towards occupational stereotypes, we are led to believe that Becta expects children’s stories to include complex moral situations, deeply developed characters and an ultra-realistic depiction of the fantasy world. Because of course, stereotyping builders causes “alienation of parts of the workforce (building trade)”.