After 7 hours and 30 minutes, I’m proud to release the latest design of! If I attached a number to this layout I’d say it was version 8.5 (I guess). The largest improvement was the header/navigation areas. All the blog pages have been added onto the header and their previous location on the sidebar of the blog has been removed. It’s pretty amazing to receive feedback I never knew you could submit videos!
Indeed, welcome to a feature we added 1 month ago. . . No, I’m not blaming you – it’s our fault for not making your experience as easy as possible. With this new layout, I hope that you get more out of this website than you ever have.
Sorry if you were trying to access the website while it was under construction earlier today. I’m sure you might have been totally confused and baffled to see the blog in such disarray. We had a couple of bugs that carried over from the previous version in which I believe I eliminated them.
If you experience anything that you don’t think should happen – let us know!
Thanks for being a part of the experience.