ESRB Controls the Internet

The video game rating organization ESRB has gone into hack and slash mode today! Video game publishers releasing M and AO titles are being forced to have press sites age-gate any videos relating to their products, which contain mature content. Since focuses a lot on its media player content, we’ve asked SplashCast – the technology behind the player – to add an age-gate system.

It’s pretty crazy though that an organization can now control the content that flows out onto the internet. This is something to take very seriously by not only gamers, but by anyone who uses the internet. The internet is the place for freedom of speech and expression.

It is important to protect younger audiences from graphic material, especially if deemed unsuitable by their parents. But an age-gate system is easy to get through no matter how old you are.

There are going to be some major repercussions here GOOD or BAD.

Author: DaveWeLike

I'm the editor of

3 thoughts on “ESRB Controls the Internet”

  1. As I, for one, have a severe problem with internet censorship, I’d rather there was no age-gate, but hey we do what we got to do. Personally, however, if the ESRB or any other group wishes to make a big deal of any media which we may put on our site in the future which they find to be a little on the “edge”, then that is there prerogative, but I can more than assure you I will not be pulling the video.

  2. Oh! Almost forgot, on a side note, the only way an age gate would ever be added to my site was if there was something I truly thought demeaned humanity and was live action or was of pornographic material… And being that neither appear on my site… No age gate 😛 . Atleast, I hope neither appears on my site considering you place the media…. o.O

  3. Well there most likely will be one at some point. 🙁 Don’t worry though because the new and upcoming features to the player will definitely out balance this minor detail.

    Since the ESRB is requiring all sites to do it if the game is M or AO rated- I have to follow suit otherwise publishers will not send me future press materials.

    I do agree though that it should be up to the website to put whatever content they deem suitable to their audience. It should be up to the creator of the video to make the final call on what to cut. At the same time though – having a this preview has been approved for general audiences, as the MPAA includes on trailers, isn’t that bad.

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