Activision announced today that Guitar Hero II for the Xbox 360 is getting downloadable content! Read official annnouncement in The Pipeline under News.
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With all the tracks upgraded to the Guitar Hero II feature set, including co-op gameplay with lead, rhythm and bass guitar options, the songs will be available to download in packs of three, for 500 points per pack. In addition, fans will be able to assume the identity of their favorite Guitar Heroes with exclusive theme packs available for 150 points, and gamer pics for 100 points, respectively.
I’m a bit disappointed at this whole situation. Not so much that they’re expensive, or that they’re old. Hell I even bought them(with the free MS points card I obtained by buying GHII at Circuit City last week). I’m more disappointed at how the Guitar Hero community is reacting. People are reacting to the release like Sony fans reacted to the DMC4 multiplatform announcement.
The protesters are also starting a petition. I wonder if it’ll make any difference.
How are they reacting? Do they fell ripped off? I don’t really see why when Activision is doing what it does best – milk franchises when they get hot.
It seems to me that Half of the community finds it fair, the other half seems to think it’s far too overpriced. I’d be in the former.