With the success of the StuffWeLike Media Player, we’ve expanded our lineup to now featuring ‘Movie Trailers’ and ‘Live Events.’ Movie trailers shows trailers for upcoming movies. Live Events shows events that were filmed on some location other than our dorm, usually a special event.
In related news we’ve uploaded The Making of Myst video that came with the game back when it was released in the early ’90s.
Okay I am on a Mac running Firefox right now and the video isn’t showing up at all, and the guide is showing a bunch of blank slots. It also isn’t working in Safari. I don’t know why.. I will check it out on my computer once I get home. Just wanted to let you know there may be some compatibility issues here! Oh noes!
The problem is that you’re not running the latest version of Flash. Go to http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ and download the latest version. Let me know if it works.