Wadjet Eye Games (www.wadjeteyegames.com) is proud to announce its latest adventure game entitled The Blackwell Legacy! Unlike their previous games The Blackwell Legacy is structured in an episodic style.
The Blackwell Legacy is a miniseries of adventure games that stars a medium named Rosangela Blackwell and her spirit guide Joey Mallone. Their mission, it seems, is to assist tormented spirits and investigate supernatural events.
The Blackwell Legacy has been built for old school adventure gamers. Wadjet Eye Games has hired Ian Schlaepfer, who made underground adventure waves with his Apprentice series (http://www.herculeaneffort.com), to create the sprite art for The Blackwell Legacy! Wadjet Eye has gone on to ensure that this game has an authentic adventure feel.
Promo Poster – http://www.davelgil.com/boe/BL_poster2.jpg