Remember those people in school who always used to copy anything you did? Well I sure don’t but someone here must! Anyways…
It’s ok to copy someone else’s game idea/gameplay as long as you change it just slightly enough to offer something new. If you make a game that has already been made before, you’ve just hung yourself. No distributor wants to sell a game that they just played a year ago. That’s how portals are run to the ground. Portals have to offer their visitors the good and unique stuff.
A genre that is really hot is serving tables - Diner Dash, Mystic Inn, Snowy: Lunch Rush, etc all use the same type of gameplay but they coat it with a completely different style of graphics. Each one of these games has sold very well because they all change the formula just enough that players feel at ease with the game.
This is just how the industry works. Like it or not, it’s better to make money then waste money.